Life update

Caleb Biggurs
3 min readAug 29, 2022


It’s been a minute since I updated this blog, but I’m deciding to make it my mission to update this weekly!

Since my last entry was in April, this is a perfect time to give a life update and put what is currently happening in my life to paper.

Work: In May, I accepted my first media production role at Sweetfish Media as a producer! Sweetfish is an agency that produces podcasts for B2B companies. With my background, it’s right up my alley and has been a perfect fit for me since I joined the team in May. I’m currently producing seven different shows, so it’s been tough keeping up with everything, but I’m enjoying the creative process of storytelling and bringing these companies’ goals and visions to life.

I started graduate school: Last week was my first week in the MBA program at TCU! Along with being in the MBA program, I also have the oppurtunity to be a graduate assistant in the Chancellor’s office, so that has been pretty fun too. Being in his office has shown me a completely different side of higher education and TCU that I didn’t get to experience during my undergrad years. I’m working on a bunch of cool projects that I can’t say much about now, but a lot of cool stuff is coming soon with that, so updates are coming soon.

Personal projects: I have soooooo much content that I’m sitting on and can’t wait to showcase what I’ve been working on for the last couple of months. I’ve started to realize that I need a team of people, so I’ve been trying to find the right talent to help me execute all of my plans in the best way possible, so stay tuned for that as well.

Overall, life has been crazy, but I am just trying to stay present as much as possible. Looking too far into the future can be very overwhelming and can eat away my confidence, so I am just trying to stay focused on the task at hand. Trying to juggle so many things at once can be scary but having the support system that I have has been incredible to say the least.

When I started this blog, I wasn’t entirely sure what I wanted to do with it, but I decided to make this just an open journal to document my journey to get to where I want to be and to show all of the ups and down and be transparent about all aspects of my life. So expect to see the good, bad, and ugly that happen to me daily. People try to be too perfect on social media, and it annoys me because life isn’t great all the time, and we should feel comfortable enough to share failures just as much as successes. So this blog is my attempt at showing it all. Honestly, I think many of you will be able to relate to the things I struggle with because even though we are all on different paths, we can find similarities in what we’re going through and find peace in the fact that we aren’t alone.

So until next week,




Caleb Biggurs

Hoping my words influence the next generation of dreamers.